Thursday, February 12, 2015

Entry 8 - How would I spend one million dollars?

This is my idealistic and imaginative game-plan if I were to be given $1,000,000...

- Using an online website, I have purchased a private island consisting of 5.5 acres of undeveloped land in Sevem Sound, Georgian Bay, a body of water located in there region of quaint Ontario, Canada  - ‘Canary Island’ for $190,268.45
Showing one tract of coastline belonging to Canary Island, this photograph conveys the natural, undisturbed beauty of the island and its surrounding peaceful waters

- After designing it on the company’s website, I purchased in cash a Tesla Model S vehicle, complete with 380 hp of motor power combined with zero emissions (electrically charged)  - $82,570

This picture is a screenshot I snapped of the page where I went about designing my Tesla, which comes in one of three varieties, each one of these levels surpassing the one before it in terms of both efficiency and cost

- Flowing a passionate pursuit, I bought solar-powered private boat so that I could travel from my island and to surrounding environments in an energy efficient manner.  The model was concocted by eco-activist Dan Baker and has dubbed it with the name ‘Firefly’ for its simple and easy mode of construction- $2,900
FUN FACT: the rooftop solar panel has the capability of generating around 140 W of clean energy

- Due to the fact that I don’t want to live in a conventional house, I would built a tree-house in one of the towering biological landmarks I shall plant on the island, depending on which species is most harmonious with the surrounding ecosystems - $100,000
- To make my island and energy needs, I shall make my island self-sufficient and not in cahoots with the worldwide energy grid by constructing a windmill next to my tree house.  In this way, I will conserve space on my property for other endeavors that are not so self-serving - $30,000

- In this day I age, activist groups around the world are combating captivity of marine mammals.  I shall help to fight this battle by training three persons on my island in how to accurately and effectively take care of slew of such species so that they can one day work with a sea pen with these released captive animals - $55,000 a year/per trainer x 3 trainers

- I have made a hefty donation to the Ric O’Barry’s Dolphin Project, which aims itself to stop an annual slaughter of dolphins that takes place in the name of exploitation in the town of Taiji, Japan - $10,000

- To make it a point t to live a healthier lifestyle complete with pesticide-free foods, I will draw up a blueprint for organic farm to be built on my island.  I do have to take into consideration how to channel fresh water to the farm’s plants from a fresh water source and which species of plants are most suitable to the weather in Canada - $50,000

- To manage the organic farm, I will take it upon myself to hire two trained organic farm caretakers with extensive experience in the art of having a ‘green thumb’ - $25,000 a year/per person x 2 persons

- Given my love for chess an its long history, I will buy the chess set used by famed chess player Bobby Fischer in the now legendary Game 3 he took part in of the 1972 World Championship Match, which pitted the young star with a challenging Boris Spassky.  The amount I plan to pay the person who has bough it already, may have to be increased, I do admit- $10,000

- For my tree house, I shall purchase furniture that hails from sustainable sources - $100,000

- With the company Air Canada, I will take a round-trip flight to Paris, France, whose cuisine is almost as unique and delectable as its landscape and farm-ridden countryside - $1280

The website I used to find an available flight to Paris in my targeted time frame compared prices of competing airlines and eventually found me one that brought me the most bang for my buck

- After arriving in Paris on February 19, I will check into the Le Bristol Hotel and shall lodge within its rustic, luxurious complex for the following seven days, leaving back to my island on February 26 - $6,230

Yet another screenshot, this snap lists the price and details for the hotel room I shall be purchasing at Le Bristol Hotel in Paris, a complex that gets raving reviews in the form of 5 stars (963 reviews tallied) on

A rather romantic picture of Le Bristol Hotel as sundown falls onto the Parisian landscape

- I plan to spend a pretty penny on food/personal expenses while in France so that I can completely immerse myself in another world and its respective culture - $8000

- Due to my love for history and the antiquity of items, I will take it upon myself to purchase a bottle of wine that has been retrieved by the wine from a 1735 shipwreck that sank off the coast of Holland - $5214

- To serve a growing number of unwanted dogs in pounds and other such institutions, I will lay the groundwork for a sanctuary for these animals on my island and will import a good number of these love-seeking souls each year, these numbers consisting of older dogs looking for a suitable place to live out the end of their days here on Earth - $80,000

- To satisfy my love for the ocean and my needs for an ocean breeze every now and then, I will purchase a beach house in the state of Maine, where cottage life meets fresh seafood and a slower pace of living - $25,900

This small, cozy is to be my beach house in Maine where I plan to spend my summers and possible a winter every now and then so that I can continue to experience the snow in the future

  • The expected cost of renovations for this fixer-upper I plan to purchase = $82637.55

The topmost graph calculates how I spent the money I was awarded, forming the table of numbers shown in the secondary picture into a trend that shall last the duration of my spending chronologically

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