Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Entry 2 - My Life Path Options

  1. SAFE SCHOOL: UC San Diego
  • UC San Diego is a California-based college located near the coast with access to multiple resources regarding ocean-research.  In fact, as an example of just how tied to the ocean the studies there are, there will be a lecture by Dr. Margaret Leinen coming up on February 9 about how to better protect the planet with more varied perspectives on ocean science.  The laid-back attitude and flexibility available both on campus and a short distance off campus would indeed be a breathe of fresh air.

    This picture shows the Revelle building at UC San Diego looking modern and hip, mostly likely due to its recent renovation

  • This link describes one of the colleges in the UC San Diego system, Revelle College, that I have taken to, since it integrates 5 courses of natural science - a subject that could combine well with my major in Marine Biology - with humanitarian studies, a subject I have always been passionate for and that is especially important to have under my belt in this day in age - when groups of humans are often subjected to unfair treatment.
  • This link leads to a site with a general overview of tools that has helped me to find my way around what UC San Diego is all about.  From here are sources of information for academics, financial aid, international students, and student life in general, the page primary gearing itself towards the interests and confusion of incoming freshmen.  The link also gives me the chance to schedule a campus tour if I am interested in experiencing first hand where I would be spending my next fours years after high school graduation. One such tour I can take advantage of includes spending time in a class session, this reminding me of what iPoly young scholars have to do when trying to hunt down a CalPoly class and thus having to sit-in and ‘crash’ the class they want.  What I found really useful on this site was yet another link entitled ‘Triton Brochure’ that outlines what sets UC San Diego apart from the rest of the UC schools, complete with a very aesthetically pleasing layout and design.
  • This link is probably the most useful of the ones I have gathered for UC San Diego, listing off statistics for the college and everything else one thinking of admitting into the college should know.  One of the most useful links embedded into the page is one that shows me how much attendance will cost, a cost that takes into consideration my financial state and any scholarships I may earn in the near future.
  • This link is basically a brochure that discusses what each of UC San Diego’s six interconnected colleges offers in terms of classes and transfer programs.  Based on what I want my record to look like from UC San Diego, I can use this page to choose a route at one of the colleges and shoot off along its course to possible degrees and awards that will work to certify me as ‘useful’ in society’s eyes.
  • This link leads to a site describing the 45 undergraduate courses the Scripps Institute of Oceanography at UC San Diego, all of which are available to incoming Freshmen.  These classes are split up into different categories, with each of these having to do with either earth or marine sciences.  My initial thought is to take classes within the Marine Biology realm since it is my primary interest and then minoring in Earth Sciences, so that I am not one-noted when I graduate college and am more well-versed in all of science rather than a narrow field of it.

  • UC Berkeley is a college shrouded in both the bustle of city-life and the solitude of a coastal mountain range that gives birth to majestic redwood trees.  I have visited the campus numerous times before, and have made bunches of meaningful memories in nearby San Francisco and Stanford, and so I know I would not only gain a superb academic immersion here, I would be constantly inspired and emotionally supported by the whole experience.  This experience does not just have the potential of being a positive and rewarding one, it would help me stick to my wants of becoming a marine biologist since it is near the coast and other marine ecosystems that I can full take advantage of if I am to one day marry the study and conservation of our oceans.  Plus, I would definitely look forward to partaking in the rivalry between the Berkeley Bears neighboring Stanford Trees.

    This is an aerial view of the main campus of UC Berkeley, showing the bell tower that reigns high over every nice on campus

  • I am already severely interested in this link, as it provides background information on the Department of Integrative Biology (IB) available to undergraduates, this department focusing on the functions found within biology and ecology, from forces as small as those between molecules to those as big as tidal currents.  Being a part of this program will allow me to dip my toes in what it means to major in biology and will show me what other fields are available to me other than Marine Biology - so that I prevent a widely known occurrence call ‘putting all of your eggs in one basket’.
  • The opportunities at UC Berkeley are as wide and varied as its landscape, and this link provides an example of just how accurate this description is.  Embedded is a description of the Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (UNRAP), a program that allows its eager participants to devote their time to research in labs found on campus.  In almost any science field I delve into, I shall need to know how to navigate a lab and how to conduct independent research.  Application into UNRAP will only work to my advantage in regards to the places I want to visit in my lifetime.
  • This site provides an overview of what it means to be a Berkeley Bear, and how I will fit into campus life.  Statistics mostly serve to answer this dilemma of mine, but several parts of the page also seek to integrate me into student life in a more ‘friendly’ manner, giving me schedules for on-campus events and allowing me an interactive map so that I know physically how Berkeley stacks up in comparison to other colleges.

  1. REACH SCHOOL: Pomona College
  • Currently my sister attends this under-appreciated college located in the quaint city of Claremont.  Being near a plethora of farmer’s markets, organic shoppes, and green initiatives, this campus would fit right into my pleasures and interests, including that of investing in the preservation of the oceans and their mysterious abysses.  Pomona College is where my sister currently goes to college and her company would be an added bonus to the many things I can enjoy on school grounds. In addition to these, positives, the college lies extremely close to my house and has multiple connections that I can utilize to better develop my career.  
    Quietly and discretely I took this snapshot of the dorm room where my sister and I watched the "Grand Hotel Budapest" movie, when I visited her at Pomona last year

    This is admissions office of Pomona College, the steps of which my sister calls her 'study spot for Chemistry'

  • This links serves to inform the incoming Pomona College student what working in the biology department entails, including how classes are set up, what an average curriculum requires, what Pomona professors will grade a student in terms of, and how one may want to combine interests to further decide what he or she wishes to dedicate himself or herself in the field.
  • Pomona College stresses the fact that it is a college for daring minds seeking knowledge rather than just taking classes to absorb their information through osmosis.  This link provides examples of research projects that have been attempted in the past and that are currently seeking support.  In this way, the link will help me to see what topics are most popular on campus.  
  • This link has ingrained fear in me, informing my parents and I just how much we have to pay for attendance at Pomona College - an amount that exceeds our grasp.  Although the cost for room and board at the college is quite expensive in and of itself, there is also a tool of the site that helps families calculate how much financial aid they are entitled to, this assistance stemming from how much their income is for a given year
  • The summer before my sister officially enrolled at the College with an interest in Environmental Analysis, she took part in an internship wherein she was able to work in a lab and on a project that opened her cranium to scores of knowledge and exposure to science at work.  I wish to do the same, and will choose a lab that best suits my interest - perhaps one in which I take weekly field trips to the beach and observe tidal pools while at it!

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