Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Entry 3 - My Research

  1. What type of institution is it (private, public, out-of-state, four-year, etc.)?
  • UC San Diego - this college is a student centered, research-focused, service-oriented four-year public university.
  • UC Berkeley -  Four year public University
  • Pomona - this institution is a private four-year college
  1. What is the enrollment (gender, ethnicity, religion, age, etc.)?
  • UC San Diego - The total enrollment is approximately 30,000.  The average GPA score is 4.13.   47.5% of the student is body is female; 52.5% is male.  The student body is ethnically diversed; approximately 68% of undergraduates are students of color.  The average age is 21 years; the vast majority are under the age of 25.   The percentage of undergraduates from California is 83%.  UCSD is a public institution, therefore, it has no religious affiliation.  Christian groups, both Protestant and Catholic, are visible on campus.  Many people attend bible studies and group meetings.  Also the Jewish Student Association and the Muslim Student Association are very active on campus.
  • UC Berkeley - Enrollment approximately 36,000 students.  52% female and 48% male.  It is a public institution so it has no religious affiliation.  Various groups of different faiths are present.
  • Pomona - Approximately 1,584 students with an 51.5% women and 48.5% men from 47 states and 35 foreign countries.
  1. Where is the institution located?
  • UC San Diego - The campus is located minutes from the oceanside, with Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve about one mile to the North and the city of San Diego about two miles to the South.  In more detail, the college trumpets its horn at 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, California 92093
  • UC Berkeley - The campus is located in the city of Berkeley, near the city of San Francisco
  • Pomona - In the city of Claremont
    1. How far from home?
  • UC San Diego - If I were to create a direct route via the I-5 South freeway  from my house to UC San Diego, it would be 121 miles in length and would take two hours and 8 minutes to drive along its course
  • UC Berkeley - 377 miles
  • Pomona College - 28 miles
    1. Is it urban/suburban/rural?
  • UC San Diego - It is urban
  • UC Berkeley - It is urban
  • Pomona College - rural, complete with tree-lined streets and in the thicket of a neighborhood
  1. What are the admission requirements?
    1. What tests do you need to take and pass to get into this institution?
  • UC San Diego - ACT Plus Writing OR SAT Reasoning Test with critical reading, math and writing.
  • UC Berkeley - ACT Plus Writing OR SAT Reasoning Test with critial reading, math and writing
  • Pomona - SAT Test and two SAT Subject Test
    1. What is the average GPA requirement?
  • UC San Diego - The average GPA score is 3.5.
  • UC Berkeley -  3.89
  • Pomona College - 3.89
    1. What forms, letters, applications are necessary for this institution?
  • UC San Diego - The UC Online Application is required.  Recommendation letters are not required, unless requested.
  • UC Berkeley - The UC Online Application is required.  Recommendation letters are not required, unless requested.
  • Pomona College - The Common Application along with two recommendation letters.

    The top-most picture is a picture I snapped while on a hike in Eaton Canyon with a group of my friends, an experience of independence and freedom that I hope to find at a college, this freedom I hope to use to integrate myself in the study of the ocean and its many inhabitants; the lower-most picture is a photo of my empty classroom at CalPoly before class has started that truly portrays my reluctance to let me degree from a college isolate me in the field of Marine Biology, I must gain skills in a variety of general fields such as Biology if I am to allow myself a plethora of options when about to work in a field or pursue an idea

  1. How much will it cost to attend this institution?
    1. What other projected costs will attending this institution incur?
  • UC San Diego - The total CA resident tuition/fees is $13,456.   To live on campus is $31,245; which includes housing and meals, books and supplies, transportation, personal expenses, health insurance fee/allowance and other educational costs
  • UC Berkeley - To live on campus is $56,198, which includes housing and meals, books and supplies, transportation, personal expenses, health insurance fee/allowance and other educational costs.
  • Pomona College - $55,000, which shall include a meal of my choice and boarding
    1. How do you plan to cover them?
     - UC San Diego -  My parents and I will complete a FAFSA form, so that my stance as a  
middle-class citizen will provide me with government monetary aid.  I definitely plan to
work a part time job to help cover the necessary expenses.  If need be,  I shall  apply for a
GAP year so that I allot time for myself to generate additional income and vitalize my
      - UC Berkeley - I will complete the FAFSA form along with my parents.   I definitely plan to  
work a part time job  In order not to become severely in debt, I will apply for a GAP year.
  • Pomona College - The college meets 100% demonstrated.  I would also apply for the High
Achievement Program which offers summer research experience and a $500 book credit
to go toward school-related expenses.
  1. What are the living arrangements necessary for you to attend this institution? (If this was addressed in #6, simply state “see above”.)    
     - UC San Diego - I will live on campus.
     - UC Berkeley - I will live on campus.
     - Pomona - I will live on campus and visit my family and family home during holidays
  1. What does it mean to declare a major?
  • UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, Pomona - To declare a major means to decide on what subject most interests me and subject I am most able to make a career of.
    1. What steps must be taken prior to declaring a major at this institution?
  • UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, Pomona -  I may consult with Mrs. Hunzeker then I will indicate my major on the UC application.  Given the fact that my parents know me the best I will also consult with my parents as to where my passions lie.
  1. What type of major might you pursue at this institution?    
  • All choices considered - Marine Biology
    1. What is a description of this major?
  • UC San Diego - The Scripps Institution of Oceanography offers an undergraduate  major   
program in Marine Biology, resulting in a BS degree.  Undergraduates in this major will
develop an understanding of the biology of marine organisms and the biological and
physical processes that affect these organisms, their populations and their coastal and
oceanic ecosystems.
  • UC Berkeley - This college offers a plethora of research opportunities and internships that I hope to combine with my pursuit of Marine Biology
  • Pomona - I hope to achieve a degree in environmental sciences and biology, both of which shall act as preludes to a focus in Marine Biology.  Opportunities to work in labs shall then nourish this development of my academic record
    1. What does this institution rank in relation to your chosen major?
       - UC San Diego - Number 26 in the U.S.
       - UC Berkeley - Top 26 in the U.S.
       - Pomona College - Top 10 in the U.S.
       - What skills are necessary to be successful in this major?
      - All choices considered - The major requires a foundation in the natural sciences, a rigorous core of marine biology courses and a unifying laboratory/field course that engage students more directly in the
               discovery process and in analyzing and interpreting data.
  1. What high school courses are needed for this major?
       - UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, Pomona College - Biology, Chemistry, upper division math.
  1. What courses does one take to fulfill this major?
       - UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, Pomona College - Biology, Math, Chemistry, Physics, Marine
              Biology Core subjects, and Biology Core courses
  1. What is the study/workload like for this major?
  • UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, Pomona College - The study/workload for this major is heavy and challenging.
  1. Can you graduate in four years in your intended major? Is it common? If it’s not, is a five-year+ plan okay with you and/or your family?
      - UC San Diego, UC Berkeley - It may take more than 4 years to complete the major due to
              the number of students competing.   It is okay with my family but I will apply for a GAP
      - Pomona College - Yes, with 89% of students graduating in four years.  Pomona College was
tied for an impressive third place among liberal arts college with a four-year graduation
    1. How many units do you need to graduate with your intended major?
      - UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, Pomona College - At least 200 units
  1. In college, you have a lot of free time. What clubs or groups are you interested in joining (research campus life)?
     - UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, Pomona College - Biological Sciences Student Association
  1. What career might one go into with this major?
     - UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, Pomona College - Marine Biology, Health professions,
government, business, journalism and secondary school training.
  1. What are the viewpoints of current students in this major?
        - UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, Pomona College - I must obtain a solid foundation in an area of
             science such as biology, environmental science, chemistry, physics or geology by obtaining  
              a bachelor’s degree in  one of these fields.
  1. What other majors relate to this major?
       - UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, Pomona College - Environmental Science. Organismal Biology,
             Plant Biology or Cell and Molecular Biology
  1. What questions would you ask a college admissions counselor?
      - What percentage of the students complete the degree within 4 years?  What is percentage
              of students obtain a job the field?  How can I combine the study of biology with another
  1. OPTIONAL: Record any other information you found relevant to you that is not covered by answering the questions above.
- Undergraduate research opportunities - some students start researching with a professor as early as first semester freshman year, but most start the summer after sophomore year.  They can apply for independent research (biology) during the school year or the Summer Undergraduate Research Program.  Unlike at UC’s, for example, professors do research almost exclusively with undergraduates, so the pressure of competing with graduate research students is nonexistent.  Furthermore, Pomona College has one of the largest endowments of any college in the country and so has a lot to spend on its students’ academic endeavors (research funding, for example).  

This photo of a research student at Pomona College is achieving the goal I wish to undertake - a hands-on approach to study and self-development 

Pomona College =

All courses for the Biology Major must be taken for a letter-grade.
  1. BIOL 040 PO, BIOL 041C PO, BIOL 041E PO. Intro to Genetics, Cell Biology, Evolutionary Biology
  2. CHEM 001A PO, CHEM 001B PO or CHEM 051 PO and CHEM 110A PO. General Chemistry, one semester of Organic Chemistry
  3. MATH 030 PO, and either MATH 031 PO or an approved statistics course such as MATH 058 PO, PSYC 158 PO or BIOL 153HM. Students who place out of MATH 031 PO must take MATH 032 PO, MATH 036 PO or an approved statistics course. Calculus I, Calculus II, an approved statistics course like Biostatistics,
  4. One upper-division laboratory or field course in organismal biology from BIOL 131 PO, BIOL 132 PO, BIOL 140 PO, BIOL 169 PO. Vertebrate or invertebrate biology, animal physiology, or developmental biology
  5. Four additional upper-division biology courses, three of which must be laboratory or field courses.
  6. Senior Thesis: BIOL 191 PO or BIOL 194 PO.

  1. MATH 030 PO, MATH 031 PO, MATH 032S PO or  MATH 036 PO is strongly recommended. Calculus I, Calculus II, Statistics with applications to the life sciences, mathematical and computational methods in the life sciences
  2. Upper-division courses: BIOL 163 PO, CHEM 115 PO (or CHEM 182 HM and CHEM 184 HM taken together), CHEM 156 PO, Molecular Biology (MOBI) MOBI 188 PO and the Senior Experimental Thesis (MOBI 194 PO).
  3. Either BIOL 041E PO or one full-credit biology, chemistry, molecular biology or neuroscience elective course from the list below. Two approved half-credit elective courses may also be used to satisfy this requirement.

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