Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Entry 7 - My Proposed Budget

Chosen College: UC Berkeley

Budget Plan as follows -->

This is the first graph I calculated for how living in a residence hall would cost me if I were to attend UC Berkeley on an annual basis for four years; living on campus would be most convenient in my opinion as close proximity to my living quarters from classes would not strain my schedule in any way, giving me more time to seek work and help pay off my supposed debt

This picture depicts a tentative list of items whose prices can be adjusted, given the fact that they have to do with wants and what my classes at the college encompass as far as curriculum is concerned; the 'total cost of attendance' takes into account the total amounts tallied in the aforementioned graph and the tentative costs I look forward to manipulating to my advantage

The blue box in this graph splits up the amount owed to the college per year and after four years of attendance into the projected bit of it I plan to pay with a job on campus and the projected bit my parents plan to pay; I then, working my way down the three columns, tried to lower the $13,558 my parents expect themselves to pay as much as possible, while trying to be realistic in my game plan.  The end result was a breathe of fresh air, as my middle class stance allowed me financial aid and a job as a Lab Tech at CTG in Berkeley allowed me pay and exposure to hands-on science

This financial aide calculator on UC Berkeley's website was a god-send, trimming down my expected cost at the college in accordance with how family fared financially; the college I must admit gives a whole bunch of aide to those who are less fortunate, with one such type of aide coming in the form of study-abroad programs

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