Thursday, March 5, 2015

Entry 15 - Kiersey Temperament dilemma

My life has always seemed programmed according to something black and white, something that does not affiliate itself with emotion: academia.  Whether I am at school or at a volunteering venture, I am always seen as a ‘smart person’ or a person ‘most likely to succeed in life’, these assumptions being based on the sole observation that I may know more about academia than the average person or that I may have more of an ability to grasp onto math, science, english, and history.  To this scale on which people grade my personality I say: how does knowing more of a field upheld so much in today’s society mean one is smarter than another? After all, there are a multitude of fields in which people can major.  Even if one has not found his or her skillset and appropriate place in society, that is why life exists: so that each person’s happiness is achieved and his or her niche on Earth is realized.  In my case, I am a double major, meaning I have a polymath personality, with each layer building on top of the next and making the next more adept in meeting my natural sense of curiosity and habit of dreaming, and all of my layers adding up to wide-ranging knowledge.  My identity centers around love and emotion - not a book.  The way in which my identity is applied to life is experimenting with the idea and doings things differently, not following a procedure already outlined in a manual.  My Keirsey personality test I took quite a while back nailed my habit for such scientific exploration and a need for a gentle heart by categorizing me as an ENTP.  This four letter code means I am both a debater and an inventor, a person whose independent mindset enjoys renewal of the mind and the ability of the mind to use quick wit and knowledge to shred arguments into their primary purpose and core. In this way, I am a ‘lone wolf’ who desires to improve himself and his record of meaningful achievements, investing in a drive to change the world and not minding to lead this change if necessary.

This picture is one I snapped while on a hike with my family and family dog Kaia; I believe the image exactly portrays my personality by showing my tendency to be independent and seeking exploration as they key to exploring my boundaries, primarily mentally, here on Earth and in my niche

This snap I took of a small percentage of the campus of CalPoly conveys my deep satisfaction in conquering the recognition of my points and beliefs, and how these thoughts and options make me both witty and eager to tackle a challenge requiring thought inner peace; in this way, I am always seeking to better myself so that I can better succeed in certain aspects of life, like becoming a marine biologist or being an effective club leader

  These inherent traits of mine make my  preferences for a romantic relationship rather complex and interesting.  The innovative side of me that loves to dream allows me to first plan and fantasize an ideal way of exploring and building upon a relationship that can last time.  Once I open up my feelings and embrace to a certain someone, my special someone and I are deemed, in my eyes, as a healthy relationship if we succeed in growing together as a partnerships constantly curious about what lies at our mental limits and the limits of excitement and adventure.  Our journeys are defined by new ideas and applying our wit to formulating environments that please our senses with spontaneity and mental stimulation.  Our need to self-improve will accumulate in a need to experience new things and topics of interest, improving upon our weaknesses and opening new doors of opportunity that blast old pillars of tradition.  If my love and I were to decorate our house with carved gourds for Halloween, we would carve different species of gourds and would be inclined to make village of gourds with a background story to how they and their off-the-wall faces came to be, not just focusing our efforts on the typical pumpkin with a happy face below its stem.  Comparing what the test concluded my love life as expecting to include to my own version of what is beyond the horizon for a future romantic relationship, I agree with several similarities between the two possibilities.  I agree with the fact that my thirst to excel at challenges in life shall stimulate excitement in my relationship.  My demand for growth will help me conquer such bumps in my life, and so I do understand my relationship will be demanding on my part, in addition to being eventful and full of vigor thanks to the determination that often comes bundled with demands.  With my sister, I have seen these habits of mine come to the surface, seeing each current event we would talk about as a lesson to learn from and as a source of info that would better my knowledge of the world around me. 

This depiction of my sister and a Mexican chocolate beverage I enjoyed at Pomona College  show what I enjoy - curiosity and a want to understand and take responsibility of greatness - and what I need in my future partner - the patience of my sister that will make sure my ambitions do not become Napoleonic 

In a sense, I am like a virus, seeking a wider range of perception and a larger arsenal of information to pull from in times of distress and low inspiration.  My only hope, as these traits have made themselves permanent residents in my genome, is that my partner will be a partner in crime and not someone who competes with my ideas and grows impatient of them.  I need someone who experiences the same exhilaration when looking at the jigsaw puzzle we call life, waiting to be solved and made sense of in our eyes.  I also agree with the site detailing my personality type with it says how my the base to my acid and I will seek ‘excellence’ rather than an exaggerated form of affection driven by emotion.  In this way, I look forward to satisfying my drive to include substance in my life and sharing this thirst for exposure with my spouse.  Such forms of taking pride in life rather than dying with it being an after-thought include going on adventures, swimming in different cultures, making new friends, transforming thoughts into reality, and making the unknown known if not to humanity than to my mate and me.  The one thing I disagree with that the Keirsey site pointed out about my relationship with a woman was how I could expect to not take into consideration the feelings of my partner.  I am naturally I a very compassionate human who feel happy when the people around them are happy as well; to me happiness is contagious and to make someone smile means more seconds are added to their life.  My wife, if one will agree to being in my future, will be as maintained as a bonsai in a Japanese garden, and I would, appealing to my need for control ENTPs are prone to, take it upon myself to make certain she is my priority and the height of my expectations.  If anything, I would use any wisdom I have traded for youth to make her life a paradise we would both enjoy and apply to both times of hardship and harmony.  Indeed, my keen senses and addiction to self-improvement will make my sensitivity to emotion keener itself so that my marriage is one to be proud of.  After all, I want to die knowing a die leaving at least one other person on Earth happy.

The topmost picture combines my need to expand my knowledge and my need to apply such knowledge to the life that constantly passes me by, while the bottommost picture define a tradition my family delves into every year that makes me look into the future at the possibilities - a knack I hope my wife will come to appreciate and help me conquer, this wife of mine hopefully also sharing her ideas so that they can be brainstormed and achieved as well, redefining the present and making innovative the future

The Keirsey temperament sorter, in addition to providing my tendencies if ever I would commit to being half of a whole, gave me a glimpse of who would most complete me.  Apparently, I should stick to four-letter codes with an ‘N’ standing for ‘intuitive’, with a variation of at least two letters.  I agree with this philosophy, and such a game plan promises my relationship will be met with a someone who has enough patience to compliment my eagerness for what life has to offer while being sensitive enough to make me want to improve my sense of emotion as this seems to be my weakness as an ENTP.  In this way, I hope my partner will act as a table on which I can draw my ideas and a partner that will accept them and debate them as needed, with a vice versa exchange completing a healthy mutual love that offers us both inspiration and more substance to our lives.  I am happy with such an idea for marital love, and this special breed of love need not please and instead challenges its own boundaries and adapts itself to what my wife and I find most important in life.  As an example that I do need someone willing to such a healthy exchange of brain power and its product of love, I shall cite my relationship with my dog.  Though we speak completely different languages and cannot voice our opinions, I constantly find this friend of mine to act as a buffer for my stream of ideas and intellectual endeavors, licking me when I am am running out of energy placing finishing touches on my Junior history notebook and stimulating my need to explore with a bark or a paw gestured at the front door.  

This is a picture of my dog Kaia who sits here in front of a flowering tree my mom planted on March 5 (the day on which I am written to you in this blog entry);  just like my dog, I hope my wife can be my fellow wolf pack leader ready to tackle the world and its arsenal of surprises, however daunting and wild they may be, this can-do attitude hopefully giving meaning and purpose to both of our lives and the flexibility and strength of our love

For me, a match is with someone who adapts while applies, with her applications in life giving me expectations to reach and a challenge to excercise my mind to reach and her adaptations to life allow me comfort in knowing that life is about experience and not reaching an unreachable answer.  These two traits will in turn with a similar approach to life on my part, forming a DNA strand with its two poles being tied together perfectly in the center.  I disagree with the fact that I need to find a person with major differences in how she approaches life.  In essence, I must find a partner who is an ENTP, and who will thus be able to keep up with my investment of energy into exploration and mental stimulation.  As it is, I find myself sometimes frustrated, yet tolerant, of people who come into a group of mine lazy and unwilling to work to the pace that I work to.  Indeed, I have high expectations of myself, and sometimes these expectations are reflected on the behavior of those around me.  In this way, disappointment and regret follow me constantly around, and so I believe marriage is not about tolerance but about making two parties happy with each other’s constant presence.  Indeed, I need a person who will be different enough from me so as to not act as a clone of Robert Machuca, for I am not perfect, and so as to ease my habit of regretting, but not too different so that disappointment deteriorates trust and faith in love.  Maybe though I my habit of disappointment can be offset by finding someone who is so different from me that she balances my intellectual fervor and teaches me that disappointment is but a human invention that goes with experiencing life, a lack of understanding, and being an introvert.  Again, I am always willing to experiment.

In a sense, my partner shall be my the one with whom I play a long and  with a twist at every step of the way; the one thing I must make sure does NOT happen is a focus o my self and on my moves at the expense of my partner's feelings, this cure being both trust and a mutual understanding 

So that I learn to invest in a more-so sentimental relationship rooted in the arrival to places and the journey by which ideas become reality rather than a definite answer, I believe someone like an INTP would fit my other half quite well, someone willing to go the extra mile equipped with other her mind and mind bound by creativity 

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