Thursday, February 12, 2015

Entry 10 - 'My Proposed Budget' for my first official taste of independence

→  For this blog entry, I calculated a budget plan that accounts for my needs and expectations, their monetary requirements, and how I plan to pay for these requirements so that I live a fruitful life here on Earth for the next bundle of years.  Researching the field of wildlife biology, which is where I wish to major upon graduating from undergraduate education at UC Berkeley, I stumbled across a job with the Department of Fish and Wildlife that is government secured and offers a whole bunch of research and chances to head out into the wilderness while being paid a handsome stipend - a combo that sounds appealing to a good number of my life goals as one who has read my blog should know.  Not only would I work independently and with leniency in what I wish to study - so long as the subject pertains to ecology -, I would also earn more if I commit to graduate training.  Luckily for me, the job, being a senior environmental scientist, is located right by UC San Diego, which has resources to a rewarding graduate program specializing in marine biology - a deeply-embedded love of mine - and in biology in general.  In this way, opportunity would call me to live the first stage of my life in San Diego, by the coast, studying and working to make a living invested in my interests.  Once finished with graduate training, I know not where else I will be heading, but I do know that the experience of juggling so much in southern California will empower me to be capable of most anything wherever I trek in this world.

This photo is not one of mine, although this man pictured may be me when I join the Department of Fish and Wildlife as a Senior Environmental Scientist, working in the outdoors and following theses of my own that seek to make certain the proliferation and understanding of our brethren here on Earth that are nonhuman 

The following link leads to a google doc in control of the aforementioned budget - treat it well with your eyes please:

The Department of Fish and Wildlife is a government agency that seeks to protect and provide for the natural reserves the U.S. is responsible for, making these landmarks available for recreational use more often than not; I believe in the mission statement of the seemingly grass-roots atmosphere of the organization and so wish to join their efforts, especially since our ecosystems are under attack at an increasing amount of times in this day in age

This picture is the logo of Starbucks, an institution known for its take on coffee as a cosmopolitan beverage meant to be enjoyed by those of all classes; given my addiction to the drink and the fact that a Starbuck's coffeehouse smells simply awesome, I want to work for the company to share with others my love for the coffee bean

→  As one can view in the excel spreadsheet listing my expenses and my survival through their pricing, I plan to hold two jobs while being in San Diego dipping my toes in my passion and investing more into my academic profile: being a barista at Starbucks and being a senior environmental scientist.  The income provided my these two, as well as the interpersonal skills, experiences, and coffee benefits they obviously will encompass, will support me and my proposed lifestyle, and will allow me a stash in a bank account that will be used for future endeavors (i.e. traveling to an Icelandic village to study the migration routes of certain whales and to study the effects of global climate change on the biology of tundras).

According to my parents, shopping for furniture at Ikea, a Swedish company majoring in household products like sofas and beds, is reasonable given my niche as a single, young hopeful graduate student living on the edge of glory as well as at high risk for a financial crisis
My apartment in San Diego will reflect humble beginnings and will suit my simply lifestyle as a surviving human being;  though small and meeting only the most basic needs, the living space measures 944 square feet in area that can be snuggled in and is complete with a washer that will maintain my sanitation and a fireplace to inspire determination in my academic pursuit

This particular screenshot of mine is the table taken into consideration when the Federal government is deciding how much of a federal tax should be applied to my income per year, this tax translating to a subtraction to my income and acting to safeguard the government from bankruptcy at the cost of economic inner workings; as you can see, I would fall into the fourth category from the top, as I am single and not analyzed as the head of a household

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