Saturday, March 7, 2015

Entry 16 - Major Expenses...for getting MARRIED

→ In the above link is a detailed spreadsheet mapping out what I hope the day on which I shall marry the women of my fantasies will look like.  Given my personality type, I have scheduled my day to revolve around new ideas and innovative adventures that cherish the simplicities of life while reinventing the boundaries of the present and future.  In this way, I look forward to beginning my marriage with a thrust forward to whatever the future may hold for my wife and me and with a strong verification of mutual interests and vigor for expanding opportunity.  Spontaneity and excitement, mixed with curiosity, will define this day for many years after the vows are said, and hopefully then our marriage shall be made everlasting in immortality with many stories to tell for any children that may come crawling into our lives.  The fall day, hopefully falling on October 31 - the day of Halloween -, will begin with an early breakfast at a secluded beach of our choosing, this location most likely being El Matador State Beach with its plethoras of cool rock formations in Malibu, CA.  My partner and I shall then migrate, in a Tesla eco-friendly vehicle we picked up in Los Angeles from Hertz earlier than the early breakfast, to a beach hike in the quaint, rustic village of Two Harbours near of the sea shore of Catalina Island, which we will arrive at after taking a ferry to the floating terrestrial paradise from Downtown Long Beach.  Given the assumption we would have bought round trip tickets to and from Catalina Island, at about noonish my fiancee and I would afterwards, hopefully exhausted and mind-seeking, make a 30 minute trip from Long Beach to Pasadena, where two seats would be waiting for us at iPic Theatres near Paseo Colorado and Old Town.  The movie and lunch at the theatre, thanks to its gourmet approach to media and its guest-enjoyment, would help us re-energize for the last stretch of the day, this stretch being spent in Burbank Hills at the Castaway restaurant, this culinary nirvana overlooking multiple cities below its hillside terrace.  It would be at this restaurant that my love and I would exchange our vows at a gazebo surrounded by trimmed hedges and faces of family members from both parties - not feuding I hope - and it would be at this private spark to a new life that would combust into a late night dance complete with a myriad of cakes each vying for attention.  This wedding day of mine and the person I shall share the rest of my life with would, I believe,  combine our human tendencies towards a fantasy made real, and how better to start off a marriage with this assumption that our lives together would meld into one fine dream to wake up from when death do us part.

This is the ring I hope to propose to my future wife with, as its elegance is matched by its quality and value; I hope such a timeless piece of jewelry with solidify love and I hope not too big to spark any greed or love based in wrong intentions

This ring is one that I really liked for my wedding band, to be placed on my finger by my wife during our wedding ceremony; although, its simple, it matches my taste for simplicity and the feelings the ring is valued according to, not the rarity of its metal

I think this suit from Nordstrom would be a good fit for my presentation at my wedding ceremony and reception; it is stylish enough to make a point yet classy enough to hopefully show my wife why she is marrying me

This map is one that I found on Catalina Ferries website, this company and fleet of luxurious ferries and other sorts of boats being the one my wife and I will work with to execute our trip to Catalina Island for a beach hike without any worry in the world
This is the gazebo courtyard I included as the place where my wife and I are to be wed, the courtyard basing its price off of what I intend to spend for dinner at the restaurant 
El Matador Beach - my childhood favorite and perhaps where a favorite story of my wife's and mine may be told time and time again
This image depicts iPic Theatre in Pasadena, which lies by a gelato shop and right above Colorado Boulevard

The rings I have found for my wife and I are from Tiffany jewelers in Old Town Pasadena, and this one is the ring I hope to place on my wife's finger during our exchanging of the vows and consecration of our love for each other

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